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Marriot Winquist
2 min read
Hybrid Work: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
I was privileged to be in the company of a fantastic group of Asian Women Professionals this week as a panelist on AWE Network’s (Asian...
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Marriot Winquist
1 min read
In-Person, Hybrid, or Remote?
“We’re not paying much attention to how people are adjusting to ‘hybrid’ work because my company is still thinking we’ll all go back to...
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Marriot Winquist
1 min read
Read-With-Me: Atomic Habits - The 4th Law - Make It Satisfying
Welcome to Read-With-Me! It’s the last video on this book as we’re finishing up Atomic Habits by James Clear. Today I cover “THE 4th LAW:...
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Marriot Winquist
1 min read
Read-With-Me: Atomic Habits - The 3rd Law - Make It Easy
Leadership is not one single behavior or trait, but a combination of consistent, productive, and evolving mindset and behaviors. * What...
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Marriot Winquist
1 min read
Read-With-Me: Atomic Habits - The 2nd Law - Make It Attractive
Are your new leadership habits sticking? How are you making your habits attractive - so you’ll want to do them? Welcome to Read-With-Me!...
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Marriot Winquist
1 min read
Read-With-Me: Atomic Habits - The 1st Law: Make It Obvious
Leadership consists of daily, thoughtful, consistent actions. What 3 things can you do right now to create productive habits for the best...
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Marriot Winquist
1 min read
Read-With-Me: Atomic Habits - Chapter 2-3
What makes it so hard for us to change our habits, even if we know it’s for the better? Welcome to Read-With-Me! We’re reading chapters...
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Marriot Winquist
1 min read
Read-With-Me: Atomic Habits - Chapter 1
Welcome to the first installment of Read-With-Me! We’re reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. I’m committing to a new small habit: I'm...
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Marriot Winquist
1 min read
Read-With-Me: Atomic Habits
What are your leadership goals this year? How are they going? Want to make your new habits stick? I am currently reading Atomic Habits by...
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Marriot Winquist
3 min read
3 Steps to Thrive at Work
How to you perform and feel your best at work? Here are 3 steps to help you thrive and love your work.
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